30. Mai 2020

Touch, encounter, healing; these are the pillars of my work; sexuality, letting go, and devotion are at the heart of my offerings. All of this seems to have dramatically receded into the background in the times of the Corona pandemic.

On the one hand, the diverse spaces of touch and encounter that are usually available to us aren’t accessible. „Contact ban“ – the term actually says it all. Closeness and intimacy are limited to the couple relationship or nuclear family, or even to one’s self, with all the challenges that brings. On the other hand, thinking of sexuality, desire, fantasies, and play during a time of insecurity and stress seems like a luxury.

I am convinced, however, that now, more than ever, our abilities of perception and getting in touch with ourselves, pleasure, joy, sensuality, sensitivity, desire, and orgasms offer powerful resources for experiencing stability during the crisis. They also strengthen our immune system, far more than nervousness, fear, or stress.

The limitation we are experiencing, the many restrictions, can also present opportunities for experiencing our selves in new ways and tapping into unknown spaces. In dance, and also in theater improvisation, it’s a well-established method to open new spaces through restriction. Instead of panicking about what isn’t possible, I can become curious about what has become possible now. If my usual paths of movement have been blocked, I am being called on to explore new ones.

That’s why I’ve developed offerings that can support you in these processes.
I will be present for you mentally, physically, sexually, even if we aren’t able to meet in person at the moment.

Smell, texture, taste, the feeling of my skin on yours, my weight, and your gasping for air after running up my 4 flights of stairs or some other way I’ve made you breathless – all that must wait until the crisis is over. But in the meantime, I’m offering you spaces of abundance.

1) Coaching

Online coaching via zoom call or on the telephone
on the following topics:

* with yourself

– self-care and grounding during the crisis. How do I arrive at my center, how can I hold space for myself?
– Touch and contact: how can I give bodily contact and touch to myself?
– Sexuality with myself, masturbation. Obstacles, resistance, patterns, boredom.
– Dealing with feelings and emotions.
– Vision and change – what is coming to light during and through the crisis?

* in partnership:

– Too close, too much, too little – what is changing in the crisis?
– How do we find each other, how do we find the space between?
– Closeness and nourishment: how can we both be satisfied?
– Sexual desires and communication
– Touch coaching: how can we come into contact?
– Play and ritual: everyday (sex) magic
– Vision and change – what is coming to light during and through the crisis?

The coaching sessions can consist of consultation, practical exercises, and somatic work. I draw deeply upon my repertoire such as meditation, yoga, sexological bodywork, tantra, my BDSM and (dance) improvisation skills. Humor and warmth are my indispensible companions.

I’m also working on group formats at the moment – celebrating ritual self-touch and sexual energy together can be the source of a lot of energy. Please stay tuned for an update!

2) Classes

– Bondage classes are possible as of now via zoom call; single classes, for couples, or even small groups. At first, you only will need a rope, later on, also a practice partner.

– Further formats of teaching are currently in development. Please stay tuned for an update!

3) Sex dates

Experience an intimate space with Marlen. You will be guided by a sexually strong woman, and leave your daily routine behind. I will lead you into a space of sensibility, sensuality, and letting go. By guiding your self-touch, your touch becomes like mine. At the same time, I will share the exposure and the opening with you, step by step, we will both become more naked with every passing moment. We will dive more deeply into a space of fantasies and desire. Our imagination will create a new universe that we are moving through together. Language connects us and becomes a force of sensuality. In the midst of all the intensity, humor will always be welcome.

You see me – I see you. Your pleasure in looking, my desire to show myself, or vice versa: we will dance a dance between voyeurism, exhibitionism, and closed eyes.
Ecstasy, climax, and gratuitous pleasure are part of the program.

I’m also open to receive your wishes. The format is still completely new. I’m still trying it out myself and am happy about receiving impulses. If you already have ideas, you’re welcome to communicate them via email. mail@marlen.me


Online coaching or classes: 120 euro/hour
Online sex date (during the test phase): 200 euro/hour

Please note: my online sex date offerings are not based on the classic formats of webcamming, phone sex, and online discipline. It won’t be you sitting in front of the screen, gawking, and jerking off while I show you my pussy! You should be ready to go into a process with yourself and engage in perceiving your inner being, in order to have an encounter with me.

* reduced for low earners : 80-90 Euro self-assessment. I know that especially the self-employed (like me) are financially restricted during the crisis. Please question yourself carefully whether you want to take advantage of a discount. Please understand that I do not offer discounts for the sex dates.

Fotos: Toni Karat – melting point images

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